Tuesday 7 February 2017

Khan Academy by Bekii

Name of App: Khan Academy

Cost: Free

Device/s used: iPhone

Available on: Apple, Android and Online

This app has video tutorials for different subjects which are subdivided into topics. Though not all of the videos are useful for college students, the majority are. They take the form of an interactive whiteboard presentation like some teachers use in lessons and have a voice over to teach you through any topics that you may not have understood initially. I would recommend this app to any student and especially those who tend to be auditory or visual learners who may not enjoy studying from a textbook. The app does not work without internet however you can bookmark videos to watch offline e.g. on the bus to college etc.

I used the app for Chemistry revision and found that having another teacher explain the same topic sometimes filled in the gaps or answered some of my questions. This was very useful for me.

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