Monday 28 November 2016

Post-it Plus by Jessica

Name of App: Post-it Plus

Cost: Free
Device/s used: iPhone and Android
Available on: Apple, Android
What was good about this tool? 
- Allows users to organise and share notes, notes can be organised in a board.  
- Pictures from photo library can be taken to capture up to 50 notes at one time.
- Notes can be exported to Powerpoint, Excel and PDF
What was bad about this tool? 
- A4 sheets are difficult to read, especially on the phone screen
- To erase drawings/scribbles it costs £1.49 to have this feature
- Also it's a complicated layout to get used to, but does allow you to collaborate with other students
How did you use this tool? 
Its an app that can help you develop your structured work through a visual concept
Would you recommend this tool? 
Yes, however may take a while to get used to.

Efficiency - 7
Functionality - 7
Design - 8

Overall - 7/10

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